Rally afholdes i år på Herning Lufthavn, i rammerne af Skinderholm Skunkworks, d. 2. Hele weekend i Juni (13.-15. Juni)
Betalingen (for gæster over 12 år) giver adgang til:
Fredag eftermiddag/aften: Grill-selv (medbring selv kød) med fri drikkevarer.
Lørdag: Morgenmad, snacks, og festmåltid om aftenen samt øl, vin & vand.
Søndag: Brunch
Se mere på klubbens opdaterede hjemmeside, www.eaa655.dk
Se mere om Flyvepladsen, EKHG her:
50 DKK for fri operationer hele weekenden og nul opholdsafgift.
Det er ikke tilladt at lave touch-and-go's, og anflyvningerne skal varieres af hensyn til støjbelastning af naboer.
Tilmelding (senest 6. Juni):
Vi glæder os til at se Jer alle til en hyggelig weekend i flyvningens tegn!
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This year the annual KZ Rally will be held on Herning Airfield, in the setting of "Skinderholm Skunkworks", the second whole weekend in June.
The payment (for guests above 12 years pf age) will provide access to:
Friday: Self-grill (bring own meat) with free drinks.
Saturday: Breakfast, snacks, party-dinner in the evening including soda, beer and wine.
Sunday: Brunch
See more on the updated website of the Danish Experimental Aircraft Association, www.eaa655.dk
See more about the airfield, EKHG here:
Landing Fee:
50 DKK for unlimited operations and no occupation fee.
Touch-and-go's are not allowed in the weekend, and the approach pattern should be varied to reduce noise load on neighbors.
Sign up here:
We look forward to seeing you all for a cozy weekend in the sign of flight!